Although Oracle RDBMS is a relatively old technology, it continues to power many critical cloud applications and services, such as Salesforce, Amazon, and SAP as well as large enterprises, even as alternatives like NoSQL databases gain traction in the database world.
While many database optimization tools are available, we have found that the following queries are typically sufficient to identify the majority of issues during software development when using Oracle RDBMS as the back-end.
Important | SYS/SYSDBA privileges are required to execute the queries. |
Total CPU Usage in %
Total CPU usage in % (in one minute averages, same as OS usage reported by top):
SELECT to_char(h.begin_time, ' HH24:Mi:SS ') t, h.VALUE FROM v$sysmetric_history h WHERE h.metric_id = (SELECT metric_id FROM v$sysmetric_summary WHERE metric_name='Host CPU Utilization (%)' ) ORDER BY t ASC;
The v$sysmetric_summary table is, in general, a source of useful performance metrics:
SELECT metric_id, metric_name FROM v$sysmetric_summary;
Temporary Space Usage in % (using current temp file allocation)
SELECT nvl(100*(u.tot/d.tot), 0) pct_temp_used FROM (SELECT SUM(u.blocks) tot FROM v$tempseg_usage u) u, (SELECT SUM(d.blocks) tot FROM dba_temp_files d) d;
Temporary space usage (using max allowed temp file allocation)
SELECT nvl(100*(u.tot/d.tot), 0) pct_temp_used FROM (SELECT SUM(u.blocks) tot FROM v$tempseg_usage u) u, (SELECT SUM(d.maxblocks) tot FROM dba_temp_files d) d;
Tablespaces Usage (Total, Available in MB and %)
SELECT a.TABLESPACE_NAME, t.status, a.datafiles_no datafiles_, t.CONTENTS type_, t.EXTENT_MANAGEMENT, t.segment_space_management segment_management, ROUND(b.TABLESPACE_SIZE*t.block_size/1024/1024,2) size_MB, ROUND((b.TABLESPACE_SIZE - b.USED_SPACE)*t.block_size/1024/1024,2) free_MB, ROUND(b.USED_PERCENT,2) percent_used, ROUND(100 - b.USED_PERCENT,2) percent_free FROM (SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME, SUM(BYTES) BYTES, COUNT(*) datafiles_no FROM DBA_data_files GROUP BY TABLESPACE_NAME) a, DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS b, dba_tablespaces t WHERE a.TABLESPACE_NAME = b.TABLESPACE_NAME AND a.TABLESPACE_NAME=t.TABLESPACE_NAME ORDER BY percent_used DESC;
Unusable Indexes
SELECT OWNER, index_name, tablespace_name, status FROM dba_indexes WHERE status='UNUSABLE';
Top 50 SQL Queries by CPU Consumption
SELECT * FROM (SELECT s.sql_id, s.executions, ROUND(s.cpu_time / 1000000,2) sec, s.sql_text FROM v$sqlstats s ORDER BY sec DESC) WHERE rownum <= 50;
Top 50 SQL Queries by Execution Time
SELECT * FROM (SELECT BEGIN_TIME, ROUND(MAXQUERYLEN / 60, 2) minutes, undoblks, ph.sql_id, ph.sql_text FROM v$undostat u JOIN v$sqlarea_plan_hash ph ON u.maxqueryid = ph.sql_id ORDER BY MAXQUERYLEN DESC) WHERE ROWNUM <= 50;
Top 20 CPU-Intensive Sessions
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT s.sid, p.terminal, s.username, decode(nvl(p.background, 0), 1, bg.description, s.program) program, ss.VALUE / 100 cpu_sec, physical_reads disk_io FROM v$process p JOIN v$session s ON s.paddr = p.addr JOIN v$sesstat ss ON ss.sid = s.sid JOIN v$sess_io si ON si.sid = s.sid LEFT JOIN v$bgprocess bg ON bg.paddr = p.addr WHERE ss.statistic# = 12 ORDER BY ss.VALUE DESC) WHERE rownum <= 20;
Invalid Objects
SELECT o.owner, O.OBJECT_NAME, O.OBJECT_TYPE, o.status FROM dba_objects o, dba_users u WHERE o.owner = u.username AND o.status <> 'VALID' AND o.owner NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'SYSMAN', 'INTERNAL', 'PUBLIC') AND u.ACCOUNT_STATUS = 'OPEN';
Average Redo Log Switches (Last 100 Days)
SELECT nvl(ROUND(AVG(x.SWITCHES), 2), 0) FROM (SELECT TO_CHAR(TRUNC(FIRST_TIME), 'Month') MONTH, to_char(trunc(first_time), 'DD-Mon-YYYY') Archive_Date, COUNT(*) Switches FROM v$log_history WHERE TRUNC(first_time) > last_day(SYSDATE - 10) + 1 GROUP BY TO_CHAR(TRUNC(FIRST_TIME), 'Month'), to_char(trunc(first_time), 'DD-Mon-YYYY') ORDER BY 1, 2) x;
Although often behind the scenes, databases are a cornerstone of modern cloud services, powering many enterprise applications.
At Nexteris, we have extensive experience in developing applications for and integrating data from Oracle RDBMS, while ensuring optimal database performance.
Contact us today to find out how we can help you!
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